Patche do wersji na PS3 Patche do Battlefield Bad Company 2 w wersji na PlayStation 3 pobierają się automatycznie po włączeniu gry, gdy konsola jest podłączona do sieci. W przypadku wypuszczania nowego patcha, który najpierw (ze względu na strefy czasowe) trafia jedynie na wybrany region (np. na USA), osoby z tego regionu nie są w stanie grać razem z tymi, którzy posiadają inną wersję patcha (np. osoby z USA i EU). Wszystko wraca do normy, gdy każdy z regionów dostanie i zainstaluje na swojej konsoli najnowszego, tego samego patcha.
PlayStation 3 server and client update imminent On Thursday 3rd June the PlayStation 3 Bad Company 2 servers will go down for maintenance. On your side of things at around 08:00 UTC (09:00 UK, 10:00 Europe, 02:00 Pacific) you will start to see prompts to update your PS3 when you next put Battlefield: Bad Company 2 in your disc drive.
The update includes the following changes:
- Kit images added in spawn menu - Fixed the "required rank" field on the unlock items specified on the W&G page - Added M14, NS 2000 and G3 in-game unlock pop-up when the requirements for unlocking them are reached - Added a server side check of the veteran status of the players - Award bugfix for "Win all 4 game modes" (it had marksman headshot as a dependency) - Garand did not track anything, Thompson tracked Garand. - Increased the penalty points for TeamKill and TeamDamage - Increased the reward points for Objective Actions (Flag Cap/Assist, Arm/Disarm/Destroy/Damage/TeamDestroy/TeamDamage) - Fixed veteran rank number not showing up in ingame scoreboard - The southpaw setting now works for the anti-air gun and the Stationary AT - Collectible weapon messages fixed
Now you can go out and get your Garand stats you have all been waiting for.
Patch waży 288MB.
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Ponadto: - usunięto irytującą syrenę w trybie Conquest - na mapie Isla Inocentes zniknął nie tylko bug, ale i cały płotek przy M-Com'ie z drugiej bazy ;)
Nie minął tydzień, a już 8 czerwca dla Europy będzie dostępny nowy patch oznaczony jako 1.04 :o
The following changes are in the 1.04 update of Battlefield Bad Company 2.
o Vehicles can now be damaged by friendly fire when playing Hardcore. o The MG36 now properly has its red dot sight in Hardcore. o Damaged vehicles no longer blink on the minimap for soldiers without a powertool. o SPECACT kits can be used on all SDM and SR levels. o 40mm Shotgun is now properly rewarded platinum at 500 kills not 1000. o G3 and Mk14 can now use the AR Marksman specialization. o Fixed a graphical issue when equipping the GOL with a 4x or Red Dot sight. o Scoring is now awarded after a player’s death. o Increased Tickets in Conquest mode and significantly increased Ticket Bleed when holding a majority or more of flags. o The Conquest Horn now only plays for a short time when running low on Tickets. o Updated the weapon stats in the Menu to reflect previous weapon balance changes (no additional weapon balance changes were made). o Increased the power of the UH-60 miniguns at long range. o Armored Vehicles are now more effective at running over soldiers. o Fixed an issue on Isla Inocentes where destroying a fence would also destroy the building containing an MCom. o Fixed various hangs and exploits.
An optional content update for the Xbox 360 will also be available on the 9th June. Though it is optional the update contains numerous gameplay tweaks. As such we highly recommend all players apply the update as soon as it is available. The update will be required to access future VIP Map Pack content. Players will be automatically prompted to download this update when they access the Multiplayer menu. You will need to restart Battlefield: Bad Company 2 for the update to take effect.
A VIP pass is not needed to utilise the update, however a VIP pass is required for access to the upcoming VIP Map Packs.
Patch waży 451MB.
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Od 25 listopada jest już dostępny Patch oznaczony jako 1.05. Oprócz naprawienia kilku bugów (lista poniżej), przygotowuje on grę na nadejście dwóch sporych dodatków: (darmowego) VIP Map Pack 7 oraz (płatnego) Vietnam, czyli w sumie aż ośmiu nowych map do rozgrywki online i stąd też ogromny rozmiar owego patcha do pobrania.
Oto zmiany jakie przynosi patch: - Acog and Red dot scope now equippable on MK-14 and G3. - Fixed a bug on PC where the G3 would do less damage than intended. - Reduced VADS push back and damage to balance it with the ZU23. - Fixed a bug where Vehicle Countermeasures would fail to remove tracer darts at high speed. - Reduced the reload time for Vehicle Countermeasures. - Slightly increased the AT4's damage vs armor to emphasize its anti vehicle role while keeping it balanced vs armor. - Increased the AT4’s top speed and acceleration so users spend less time exposed when firing. - Increased the AT4's splash damage so it competes with other AT weapons vs infantry. The AT4 still has the least splash damage of all AT weapons. - Reduced the splash damage of the Carl Gustav to bring it in line with other explosive weapons. The Carl Gustav still has the most splash damage of all AT weapons. - Increased the 1 shot kill range of the M95 body shot to counter its lower rate of fire. - Fixed a bug with the SVU that gave it better close range damage than other semi auto weapons. - Reduced all weapon damage to the MCOM by 50%. - Fixed a C4 vs MCOM exploit on Atacama Desert. - Fixed a bug with FOV when aiming the M1911. - Lowered the close range damage of the AN94 to highlight its long range role. - Increased the accuracy of the F2000 on the move to highlight its role as a mobile AR. - Increased the close range damage of the shotguns to give them a greater advantage vs slugs. - Slightly lowered the damage of the M60 to balance its accuracy advantage vs other LMGs. - Slightly lowered the damage of the MG3 at close range to balance it with other high rate of fire weapons. - Slightly increased the damage of the UH6
Patch waży 1.7GB.
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